This project was built years ago and has long since been shelved.
Another few months and another little project, this time a code snippet manager. I obviously have no imagination for thinking up web apps as there’s loads of these things around, however it seems a good sort of project to help with learning a framework.
This one is built using the awesome CodeIgniter framework. If you haven't heard of it I strongly suggest you have a read through the documentation and give it a go, the documentation is superb, it’s really easy to find things and doesn’t leave anything out.Codeigniter also has a big community of helpful devs, just google your query and chances are someone will have already answered it.
So what was this web app meant to do:
Allow me to quickly add and store code snippets. Categorise the clips using tags, I find that I often want to categorise code under more than a single language e.g PHP and Regex or HTML and Javascript. Quickly search for snippets. Keep track of my most recent and popular clips for fast access. I thought that maybe if I could get this working well enough I could add user login and private clips etc. and actually release it to the world but that is a LOT more work than it seems at first.